Kontes Foto #Crazyrabbitfun Photo

Hai Kuter's apakah kamu mau Hadiah Hampers produk Crazy Rabbit ? yuk ikutan Kontes Foto #Crazyrabbitfun Photo. silahkan simak mekanismenya berikut ini :
  •  #Crazyrabbitfun merupakan kegiatan foto kontes yang akan diadakan di facebook page Crazy Rabbit, twitter dan instagram @Crazyrabbit_id
  • Kontestan harus like fb page Crazy Rabbit dan follow twitter dan instagram @Crazyrabbit_id.
  • Upload foto unik kamu saat makan permen atau cokelat dan tag Crazy Rabbit atau mention @Crazyrabbit_id dengan menggunakan hashtag #Crazyrabbitfun
  • Periode foto kontes:
  1. Facebook: 24 – 30 Nov 2014 , Pengumuman pemenang : Senin, 1 Desember 2014
  2. Twitter: 1-7 Des 2014, pengumuman pemenang: Senin,  8 Des 2014
  3. Instagram: 8-14 Des 2014, pengumuman pemenang: Senin, 15 Des 2014
  • Pemenang kontes ditentukan berdasarkan keputusan juri dari Crazy Rabbit Indonesia
  • Keputusan juri dari tim Crazy Rabbit bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
  • Jika peserta terbukti melanggar syarat yang ditentukan di atas maka pihak juri dari Crazy Rabbit berhak untuk mendiskualifikasi yang bersangkutan dan menggantikan pemenang dari kontestan lain yang memenuhi syarat.
  • Materi foto dari pemenang kontes sepenuhnya milik Crazy Rabbit dan dapat digunakan oleh Crazy Rabbit untuk keperluan promosi maupun iklan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya dan tanpa kompensasi dalam bentuk apapun

  • Hadiah:
    Hampers produk Crazy Rabbit

  • Crazy Rabbit will contact the winners via direct message or by phone.
  • #Crazyrabbitfun photo contest will run on fanpage Crazy Rabbit, twitter and instagram @Crazyrabbit_id.
  • Winners in the first period cannot be selected as the winner in the second period
  • Employees, their families, Agency, employees of the Agency, Agency, Program Organizer, Project
  • Organizer, and Employee Family Project Organizer from Crazy Rabbit may not follow the quiz/contest held by Crazy Rabbit Indonesia.
  • For the winners who do not respond within 2x24 hours after being given the news, then the winner will be disqualified from the contest and Crazy Rabbit team will select the other participant which meets the criteria as the replacement winner.
  • Crazy Rabbit has the right to change the Terms & Conditions without further notice to any party.
  • With this contest, contestants agree to be bound by the regulations. The jury's decisions is final and incontestable.
  • All kinds of correspondence (whether in the form of a letter, telephone, email, bbm, sms, facebook, Twitter and other electronic ) would not be served.
  • Crazy Rabbit will send the prize based on address that is informed by the winners via direct message or by phone.
  • The winners will allow Crazy Rabbit Indonesia to use contest material as well as photo/name of/from the winners for the purposes of promotion and advertising Crazy Rabbit Indonesia, without previous notification and permission and with no longer granting compensation to the winner.
  • Crazy Rabbit does not charge any kind of fees from this activity

    Sumber : https://www.facebook.com/crazyrabbit1